Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Toboggan of Destiny

As this Christmas season rapidly (a little too rapidly if you ask me) approaches I think about how different my life is now and the shift that is and has taken place. This time last year I had just started hanging out with this guy names Isaiah who was my friend Fabian’s “brother”, my grandmother had been staying with us for 1 of her 4 week visit, I was singing with the Prayer School team and life was just plain good. Fast forward a year and I am traveling all over the country with the crusade team, having opportunities to do things I only ever dreamed of, madly in love with the man I have prayed for my entire life, and almost exactly 100 days from today I will be a Mrs. So Exciting!

Life is unpredictable, circumstances come and go and change like the wind, but the Lord and His promises and the things He spoke to your heart will endure. It was so easy to give up hope when things didn’t go as I planned. But this thing is true, the WORD got me though. My life has been full of ups and downs and great triumphs and disappointments, however, when I look back over my life I see a life seasoned with the salt of experience and the pepper of growth and am happy to see the woman I have become because of the grace of God. He has supernaturally made a way to bring those things He spoke to my heart in the past into fruition. He is the reason I have made it and remained unscathed by the bumps and hurdles and heartbreaks that He has helped me to overcome. With God, truly all things are possible. I think back on my life and the things that God has showed me and spoken to my heart, whether through dreams/visions, prophecies or just an inward witness from private prayer times, and I am truly amazed at His uncanny ability to direct you right where you need to be and when if you would just listen.

I remember being 7 years old or so and my parents were youth pastors at the time. They took their youth group and our family up to Lake Placid during winter. Although I experienced frost bite for the first and only time in my life, it was one of the most fun things I have ever done in my life. We went to this toboggan slope place. Basically it’s a massive ice slope that is very very steep and extremely long and shoots you out onto a giant frozen Lake Placid. You sit on this little wooden plank essentially with a hook in the front to hold onto, and go flying down this massive ice hill. God’s grace and ability on the inside of you is like a toboggan slope. It is crazy and scary and the most fun thing you have ever done and shoots you right out into your destiny. Trust in the fact that you will get to your destination with your hair blown back like you were just going mach 80 down an ice slope, heart beating so hard you can feel it through your coat and gloved hand, laughing hysterically and spinning around on your ultimate destination, His dreams and aspirations for you. All you have to do is hook yourself in for the ride and push off. Watch what kind of ride and where God takes you.

Life is scary and fun, but God, His plans and purposes for you are greater than anything you could ever think, dream or even imagine. Enjoy the ride. Trust God enough to know that He has what’s best for you at the very top of His list, He knows you better than you know yourself and that what He is bringing you to will be awesome.

Don’t get bitter with life. Get better knowing that God is in control.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Atmosphere of Your Heart

I have an amazing friend named Chris Stanfill who is in the process of recording an album and just short of the completion of the thing... some sort of computer malfunction occurred and deleted all of the recorded and finished material. I was praying for peace for him and out of my spirit came all of this stuff about creativity and I thought I would share... as alot of you guys are also creative it might encourage you!

Its amazing to me that as we read over in Genesis the account of creation and all the wonderous things that were done in such a short period of time, however there are a few things I think we often forget. In the word, Gen 1:26, it says that when He created man... that He created man in His image AND likeness. We are make to look like, think like and create like our Father. Also, Romans 8:11 says "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you." So basically the same Spirit that created the universe with His words and formed man with His hands, lives and dwells on the inside of you and effects our bodies! You have that creative power living dwelling and WORKING on the inside. It is up to you to tap into the power of the creative God on the inside of you! God has given us all gifts and talents and callings. Remember it's not all about you and your abilities, but instead it is about Gods power strength and ability in us to do a work. You have the power and ability to control the atmosphere of your heart. You control your emotions. You control your reactions. I desire that the atmosphere of my heart is that of the Fathers and is such that the power of God and His creativity and witty ideas can flourish without hindrance bringing me into a place of prosperity and wisdom far beyond my years. God is able, and because of Him, I am able. So as you go about your day remind yourself in whatever circumstance you are going through or whatever place in life you are walking in, THE Creator lives in you and creates THROUGH you! He gets to you what you need Him to when you let Him! Trust God. Rely on God. Tap into the power that resides and dwells on the inside and watch God do a mighty work through your hands!

Love you all.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Somethin's Movin, Somethin's Changin.

Hello Errybody!

My heart is slightly overwhelmed by all that God is doing in and through me here in Tulsa! So much has happened since my last post!! Woo. A little run down, I am now helping lead at Prayer and Healing School more, I started traveling with the Hagins and the crusade team-- that is amazing, I had the privilege to sing at Winter Bible Seminar... which was so weirdly awesome, and am working for 3 hotels and have such a huge amount of favor with each one of my bosses and last but definetely not least I have by far the most amazing man in my life... who by the way should win awards for his awesomeness!

So first of all the opportunity to help lead and sing for such an amazing ministry as Rhema has been so incredible. God has been so good to me and I seriously can't take any of that credit! While I was on crusade last month, we watched the WPC promo video, and I must admit, I was overcome to the point of tears because I realized that me lending my talents and time to such a great ministry was in fact helping to make a difference in this entire generation across the globe. What an awesome opportunity... AND then to get to do what I love... seriously awesome.

Now, on to Isaiah. It is very interesting to be typing about this, because for the most part I wouldn't ever just put all my bidness on da strizeets, but I know the only people who read this for the most part I want them to know all about it! It is remarkable to me to think of the greatness of God and how if we truly search after Him and His heart, we will find the fulfillment of our hearts crys there. I think we so often we attempt to fulfill our own dreams and also pursue the things of God separately. However, I have come to find, that if it is our hearts true desire is to do the will and be in the perfect plan of God that we will in essence see all of that come to pass as one. Our dreams and goals should be wrapped up in fulfilling Gods plan... there and only there will the cry of our hearts be satisfied. Isaiah is an answer to many prayers in my life and I don't know if he even fully understands the magnitude of thanks I have for him. For so long, my heart was broken and in repair. I found myself lost not knowing who I was apart from some people in my life for so long, but after a couple years and truly seeking the face of God, and meditating on scriptures like John 14:17, John 15:7, Ps 37:23, Ps 37:31, Ps 37:5, Ps 40:2, Ps 18:35, Ps 18:39, etc. all talking about how God has given us the victory and how I know the plan of God and that I know my Fathers voice and I will follow no one else, did I begin to see me in light of the Word of God and walk out the plan of God fully for me. Now I don't know every detail of the future, but this I do know, Isaiah has been an instrument of restoration and God's tangible love for me. He pursued me in a manner that was with such honor and integrity and respect. He pushes me TOWARDS God and TOWARDS the plan of God and prays like nobody's business. God is so faithful to fulfill your desires as you follow after and pursue the things that He put in your heart. So for any of you that are reading this that may feel like there is no way out or that you don't know what God wants for your life, remember this, He has given us His Word as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. It is His word that sheds light into our dark pit and illuminates our way our and leads us to our victory that He has already won!

Yay God is faithful! Don't give up!

Love you all!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Show up and Show out.

Why HELLLLLO there!

It has been entirely too long since I have written. Its funny during the last few months it has been some of the biggest steps I have ever made but i didn't have any inspiration to write. HA! I have moved back to Tulsa, OK and have started singing at the Prayer and Healing Center three days a week, I sing frontline on Sundays and Wednesdays, I start traveling with the crusade teams next month, I have had more transitional stuff happen in 4 months than ever before and its been the best thing ever. God is so faithful that when you obey and follow His voice that He always leads you down the right path. His steps are always up one. You really do know the voice of the Holy Ghost... now for crying out loud LISTEN!! Stir up that gift on the inside of you. Pray out the plan! The biggest thing that I battled before I came here was this insane feeling that it would be such a huge step backward. But, just like I said and recognized myself, it was just a feeling. Don't ever be lead by your feelings. God is the all knowing all powerful, stinkin awesome Father who knows you best and planned out your life before yo mama's water even broke. Trust that He has your best intentions at His heart and He desires a relationship with you that even exceeds your expectations. In Psalm 18:35 it says " You give me Your shield of victory, and Your right hand sustains me, You stoop down to make me great." It is God's greatest desire that we are great and goes to any length to have that happen! Think about the significance of that! He wants you great. SO listen to Him. Trust Him and watch Him show up and show out on your behalf.

Monday, June 22, 2009

the newness of summer

Hi Everybody!

Things that have happened and are about to happen since the last time we spoke:

  • Rachel got engaged and married
  • Amy got engaged and about to be married in 2 weeks
  • Brandon and Jackie are about to get married
  • Nicole and Tanner are about to get married
  • Josh and Larissa had Ruthie
  • I moved to back to Santa Barbara from LA... and am about to move to Tulsa to get plugged into Prayer and Healing School and Rhema Bible Church
  • My parents decided to move to Tulsa
  • I discovered my complete and total love of Chipolte
  • Steph moved here
  • Jer and Jen moved to FL
  • Mike moved to Austin
  • I cut my hair off
  • I am getting very tan
  • I have to find a temp job, perm job, and a house all within 5 weeks
  • Lisa (and hopefully John) will be here in like 5 weeks to drive me out to Oklahoma where, on the way, we will discover what cactus slippers look like, the grand canyon and the countless indian shops that sell pet rocks and baby dinosaur bones.

Now that is all cleared and outta the way... let's all discuss the fact that is the coolest blog ever!

seriously LOVe it.

Okay... well thats all i got for now... I am going to watch my favorite movie of all time... The Holiday and have a 7-11 slushie ;)